Global warming may cause an increase in violent crime, according to Dr. Craig A. Anderson, a psychologist at Iowa State University. Even an increase of 2 degrees Fahrenheit could result in an additional 24,000 murders and assaults in the U.S. alone.

Anderson’s predictions are based on what is called the “heat effect,” which shows that higher rates of aggression occur when people are hot. Crime and murder statistics support this theory, since “there are about 2.6% moremurders and assaults in the United States during the summer than other seasons,” he says. The heat effect is “just another of the many negative results that will come if global warming predictions come true.”
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Science News – If you’re always worried about how much you eat, you may be producing stress that removes calcium from your bones.Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver observed that women who regulate their food intakeproduce elevated levels of cortisol, caused by stress. Cortisol levels effect menstrual cycles, and elevated levels ofthe hormone can suppress reproductive hormones, which is “generally associated with lower bone mass.”

Their study showed that dieters had roughly 30 percent less calcium in their urine than women who were not watchingtheir weight, suggesting that they were absorbing less calcium from food than normal. This is a common side effect ofhigh cortisol levels.
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A senior Iraqi army general has said that their artillery units could hit targets deep inside Israel if they can bemoved to a site Israel’s border. Lieutenant-General Yassin Taha Mohammed said, “Our artillery forces are ready any timeto hit targets deep inside the Zionist entity whenever we are ordered to do so.”

President Saddam Hussein has asked Arab countries that border on Israel to let him use a piece of their land so he canmove his artillery close enough to attack.

If Iraq attacks Israel and draws another Arab country into the conflict by using its land as a base of operations, thesituation in the Middle East will change from an internal conflict to a wide-spread war, which will undoubtedly involveEurope and the United States.
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Everything that makes us “human” is thought to be contained in a part of our brains the size of a billiard ball.Researchers who study the brain say they think they have found the part of it that sets us apart from other primates.

Putting ourselves in others’ shoes, or understanding what others may be thinking, is what scientists consider to be thebasis of socialization, which is what makes us human. We can feel empathy and sympathy for others. Humans also have asense of humor and can detect when other people are being sarcastic or-at times-deceptive.

Dr. Donald Stuss, one of the world’s experts on the brain, found that these functions are all concentrated inside asmall region within the frontal lobes.
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