Six orange UFOs were seen this week in Indonesia. A woman who identified herself as Dahhlia Bidin called the New Straits Times and said, “I am seeing them now…so are a lot of other people. It’s causing a stir. Please check with the Ipoh Airport and tell me what they are.”

Her husband, Ismail Bidin, who works for an orphanage, was one of the first to see them. “All the 38 orphans there saw the objects, so did their religious teachers and villagers from neighboring Kampung Pintu Pandang,” he said.

The UFOs appeared in a straight line and were seen for about 10 minutes before they disappeared.

A housewife called the New Straits Times to report that she and her son saw the UFOs as well, and described them as being red in color.
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In a recent press release, Michael Mandeville, author of the Phoenix Trilogyabout the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, said that he has found a strongcorrelation between the outbreak of an El Nino and the location of the poleas the earth rocks back and forth in its annual orbit. This earth movementis known as Chandler’s Wobble. The cause of these large areas of warming inthe central Pacific, that effect weather patterns in North America, has longpuzzled scientists. Mandeville poured over graphs that plotted weatherpatterns for the past 100 years and has discovered that the onset of thenext El Nino can be predicted several months in advance at least seven outof eight times.
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British scientists have discovered a period in geologic history where abrupt cooling occurred during a period of rapid warming. While the mechanism for this event approximately two million years ago remains unknown, the event happened very suddenly, and left the entire planet with a profoundly different weather system.

The struggle to survive the change is believed to have contributed to the evolution of the human species.

According to a report in the magazine Science, the event resulted in a dieback of the lush vegetation of the period, and must have triggered a desperate survival struggle among most species existing at the time, including early man.
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Mt. Popocatapetl, the restless volcano 35 miles from Mexico City, has once again begun erupting. On Monday, January 21, the volcano sent a massive plume of smoke and ash to an altitude of 25,000 feet. According to the Mexican volcanologists, the volcano experienced an earthquake measuring 2.8 on the Richter scale Monday afternoon. 17 minutes later, there was an eruption of steam, followed by the emission of the ash cloud.

Since 1994, Popo has been in an eruptive state, with unpredictable periods of activity that have gradually been increasing. On December 12, 2000, the volcano experienced its worst eruption in 1,200 years. As a result, over 40,000 people living within the danger zone evacuated the area.
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