Here’s another indication that the recession may be slowing things down inthe workplace: A man sat at his desk for 5 days before his fellow officeworkers noticed he was dead.

George Turklebaum, a 51 year old proof reader, suffered a fatal heart attackat a New York firm of medical publishers. Since he was such a quiet worker,none of the 23 other people in his office noticed he was dead. His boss,Elliot Wachiaski, said, “George was always the first guy in each morning andthe last to leave at night, so no one found it unusual that he was in thesame position all that time and didn’t say anything. He was always absorbedin his work and kept to himself.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

New satellite images reveal that large Antarctic ice sheets are “just a fewdegrees” away from a potentially catastrophic meltdown. If the ice melts,billions of gallons of water will rush into the oceans, raising sea levelsmuch more rapidly than has been predicted.

Polar ice has been melting for the past 14,000 years, and sea levels havebeen steadily rising. The EPA has been predicting a rise of a foot eachcentury. But if Antarctic ice sheets melt, the world’s oceans could suddenlyrise 3 feet by the year 2100, which would wipe out large, low-lying areas ofcontinents as well as entire island nations. Hundreds of millions of peoplecould have their homes permanently disappear.
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Scientists have announced that they have discovered magnetic crystals inside a 4 billion year old Martian meteorite that landed in Antarctica about 13,000 years ago. On earth, this type of crystal is only produced by microscopic bacteria.This is strong evidence for the existence of at least bacterial life on Mars.

This magnetic compound is called Magnetite and is used in audio and video tapes. It is created by a type of bacteriathat assembles the crystals atom by atom, producing crystals that are free from defects. This bacteria is commonly foundin water here on Earth.

“Finding this type of magnetic crystal in any material from another planet is an amazing and important finding,” saidDr. Dennis Bazylinski, a geobiologist at Iowa State University.
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While working in her lab, pathologist Lynn Allen-Hoffman discovered a petri dish filled with colonies of skin cellsthat, for some unknown reason, will not die. She was running a routine experiment on the aging of human skin, when shefirst noticed the group of seemingly immortal cells, in the midst of a colony of dead cells.

Most skin cells die within a few weeks, but these cells have been alive for 4 years now, and still show no sign ofdemise.
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