Please note that this is not a statement of opinion, but a news item that communicates the facts as they are being reported abroad. It does not necessarily reflect Whitley Strieber’s personal views about the election.

As unofficial recounts of the disputed Florida election make it more and more clear that Al Gore won the state, the foreign press is beginning to question the legitimacy of the new administration. Florida sunshine laws mean that the press has free access to the disputed ballots, so a full and complete recount will be done by any number of different news organizations.
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UFOnews1 – The Nasca lines are images made from lines of stones in Peru, some over a mile long, in the shapes of birds and mammals, including a hummingbird, a monkey and a man. There are also geometric shapes, such as zig-zags and spirals. As with the pyramids in Egypt and other great early structures, the questions archaeologists ask are why did these early people spend so much effort to make these monuments, and how did they do it?
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Scientists have been able to double the life spans of fruit flies by manipulating one of their genes. Someday soon, they may be able to do it for us. Scientists have named the gene INDY for “I?m Not Dead Yet.”

Flies with a mutation in the INDY gene have lived for 71 to 110 days, more than twice as long as their usual life span of 37 days. The long-lived flies appear to be as healthy as normal flies, and continue to reproduce into old age.
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A group of Silicon Valley scientists have met to discuss whether or not the internet is or could become a conscious entity. The astrophysicist Larry Smarr explained that the Internet is evolving into a single vast “planetary supercomputer,” made up of billions of interconnected computers. He said, “The real question, from a software point of view is: Will it become self-aware?” He feels it?s likely that a thinking machine might emerge spontaneously this way.
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