As of December 24, low-level exhalations of gas and steam remain the only sign of activity within the Popocatepetl volcano 35 miles from Mexico City. However, experts continue to warn that the volcano is dangerous, and have predicted another significant eruption for the near future.

The volcano’s action over the past few days has been extraordinary. On Monday and Tuesday, Popo erupted more violently than it has in 1,200 years, sending 40,000 area residents hurrying to shelters prepared for them by the Mexican government. Then, on Wednesday, the volcano unexpectedly became quiet, prompting some authorities to announce that the danger was over.
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On December 17, Dr. Roger Leir reported on the annual sighting of what has come to be known as the Camarillo UFO, because it has returned to the same place in California during the same time period 5 years in a row.

On December 18, James Brandt wrote, “Here in Santa Barbara on December 17 at about 4:50 p.m. Pacific time, 3 of us observed a bright shiny silver object that could have been cone-shaped, almost directly overhead. I was looking through 8 X 30 binoculars. A puff of smoke came from the object, and a smaller object broke away from the main one. It arced away and broke into two other objects, with the first one remaining, but appearing smaller. Then a few seconds later, they all disappeared. This sounded something like what you were talking about on the show.”read more

NASA, Sky & Telescope – A solar eclipse is due on Christmas day. It will be a partial eclipse of 72%, which is enough to dim down the skies across parts of North America. If you live in the Pacific Northwest and western Canada, you will be able to see it just after sunrise. Residents who live east of the Rocky Mountains, near Denver, will have to wait until 10 a.m. for the best view. On the West Coast, you can wait until around lunch time, after you?ve opened all your presents, to take a look at the sky. The full 72% of the eclipse will be seen only in Baffin Island in Canada at approximately 12:30 p.m. Everywhere else, the eclipse will vary from 60% in the Northeast to 20% in the Southwest, which will hardly be noticeable.
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A professional photographer for the Mexican newspaper Milenio took a remarkable photograph of a brightly lighted object racing toward the Popocatepetl volcano near Mexico City on Tuesday, December 19 at 6:10 AM. The photograph is a 20 sec. time exposure taken with a 24 MM lens. This accounts for the streak that reveals the object’s trajectory. It was not a digital photograph. No aircraft were present in the area at the time. The photographer did not see the object while he was making the shot, only observing it after the picture was developed.
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