NYT – A biotechnology committee formed by the U.S. and the European Union is expected to recommend that the United States toughen its regulation of genetically modified foods.

Consumers, they feel, should have the “right of informed choice,” meaning that genfoods should be labeled so that consumers can avoid them if they want to. Right now the Food and Drug Administration requires nutritional labeling on food, and has requirements for a food to be labeled “organic,” but does not require that genetically engineered foods be identified.
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In a twist on the Sasquatch legend, scientists in Thailand have acted on videotape evidence that pre-historic mammoths may still be living in the remote forests of northern Thailand. Princess Rangsrinopadorn Yokol, a conservationist who is a member of Thailand?s royal family, has released videos of a small herd of elephants-like creatures she filmed in 1984 while making a survey of the remaining wild elephant population. The Princess said she could clearly see that these animals had the unusually long hair of mammoths, despite the fact that the images she captured are hazy.

Dr. Preecha Puangkam, a leading elephant expert, has stated that this is merely a herd of wild elephants, of which there are only 2,000 left. “They?re no hairier than normal elephants,” he said.
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It has been discovered that a dramatic rise in temperature hit Antarctica about 19,000 years ago, followed by an equally sudden decline. Like similar data from Greenland ice cores, this suggests that global climate change may not happen gradually, but that extreme changes can come about very quickly, even without the present human contribution to global warming.

James White, a professor at the University of Colorado, and his colleagues analyzed deep-ice cores drilled in Antarctica over the past 2 years. This finding “gives us a road map to the way big climate changes occur,” he said.
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There?s a wave of Chemtrails over Texas, according to our listeners. Donald Atkins writes, “Friday afternoon(1 Dec) at 4:00, my grandson and I watched Chem/Contrails being made over Fort Worth. They made a grid going north-south, then an “X” pattern. They were so pretty as they were being made, they went from horizon to horizon. I went into the house very excited and picked up the phone and called the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. I was put through to the editor and told him, ?If you go outside and look at the sky, you can see airplanes spraying something out into the skies of Fort Worth!? He said, ?I?ll have a reporter go outside and take a look.?
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