NYT – Along the West Coast of the United States, the Northwest has always used the most power in the winter, to provide heat when during cold weather, and the Southwest has always used the most in the summer, for air conditioning. Much of this power comes from huge hydroelectric dams in the Pacific Northwest. But this year, federal officials have ordered the Northwest to give up some of its precious power in order to stave off more blackouts in California. This is causing power problems to spread across the West. State officials are worried about possible electricity shortages, higher utility rates and environmental problems.
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A coronal mass ejection that left the Sun on Monday is likelyto buffet Earth’s magnetosphere later this week. Forecasters estimate a 20% chance of severe geomagnetic activity when the CME arrives. Auroras are possible early Thursday and Friday mornings.

A near-Earth asteroid, 2000 YA, has just been detected and will pass within two lunar distances of Earth on Dec. 22nd. There’s no danger of a collision, say scientists, but the small space rock will be near enough to see through large amateur telescopes or through small telescopes equipped with CCD cameras.
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Volcanic eruptions are more likely to cause world weather changes than possible impacts from comets, a team of scientists announced to the American Geophysical Union last week. Massive eruptions of magma, ash and gas, which are spewing out of Popocatepetl near Mexico City right now, can have a severe and lasting impact on the world?s climate.
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The stage is being set for powerful storms in Europe, due to the appearance of unseasonably warm weather there, similar to the unseasonable weather that triggered powerful storms across the eastern United States on December 16.

Europe is experiencing one of the warmest winters on record. Normal German temperatures would be around 37 degrees Fahrenheit at this time of year. Last week they reached 55 F in Berlin, the highest temperature since records started being kept there in 1908. Grenoble, France, reported a temperature of 70 F.

In Britain, flowers have opened and roses are blooming. Baby birds are being born out of season. The Royal Society for Protection of Birds said, “It is very strange for any birds to breed at the height of winter.”
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