Sunday Times of London, Washington Post, Techo-Eugenics Email Newsletter – Members of the Raelian religion, which believes that human beings were created by extraterrestrial scientists, said they have begun trying to clone a ten-month-old girl who died earlier this year. The parents of the dead girl, who wish to remain anonymous, have given the human cloning company Clonaid, which is controlled by the religious group, a million dollars to clone their dead daughter. The Sunday Times of London reports that the “project is carried out in a secret laboratory” in Nevada and that “scientists involved hope their baby will be born towards the end of next year.”
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Linda Moulton Howe is America’s leading edge science reporter. By being careful to never explore beyond the limits of solid scientific credibility, she has built an unchallenged reputation for accurate reporting in the most difficult areas that science has to offer.

Her new book, Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles, is the first American book to seriously take on the crop circle mystery, approaching the phenomenon from a strictly scientific viewpoint.
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The Edinburgh, Scotland Newsletter, Scotland UFO Sightings Database – Scotland may be replacing Mexico as the hottest new center for UFOs. Edinburgh has become one of the UFO capitals of the world. Interestingly, UFO activity in Scotland started a long time ago. In 1787, a bright light was seen moving deliberately in the night sky. In 1816, there were multiple sightings of a boomerang-shaped object above Edinburgh.
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Nexus – In the January issue of Nexus Magazine, there is a sworn statement by Richard Tomlinson, a former MI6 officer, stating that British Intelligence is hiding important information about Princess Diana?s death.
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