As persistent heavy rains and flooding dogged the eastern United States, wildfires raged out of control in the west. As of Friday, August 20, there were 85 major fires burning across the region, with over a million acres burning. Eleven new fires started on Saturday, August 21. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbit said that the fires are likely to get worse, and high winds predicted over the weekend seemed to confirm this. Babbit said that every available fire crew supervisor is already on the job, including some from as far away as Australia and New Zealand. Despite this, 500 more troops are being rushed into the area, even though there are no supervisors available to manage their efforts.

Babbit stated that firefighters have “a blank check” to draw on the US Treasury.
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We interviewed Dr. Roger Leir on Dreamland February 13 with Tim Cullen, whose implant he removed on February 5th. This turned out to be one of four identical cantaloupe seed-shaped implants he has removed from patients so far. Raising money for the surgery was tough enough next he had to figure out how to raise the money to get the implant, as well as the tissue surrounding it, tested.

Greg Avery and Japanese TV came to the rescue. Greg, a lawyer who is the head of Louisiana Mufon, flew himself and Roger to San Antonio for the testing. He also wined and dined the Striebers, so we all had a great time.
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Michael Glickman – Reprinted by permission of SC Magazine, the prehistoric manmade mound in the middle of crop circle country in the U.K. It seems appropriate to record the circumstances, or at least that part of the history which we know.

An American couple visiting the area climbed the Hill on the afternoon of May 29. Scrambling to the top, they found an apparently bottomless hole, several feet in diameter, right at the center of the flat circular area. They had no way of knowing that it had only just appeared. They were bemused by yet another example of English eccentricity: leaving a dangerous pit, without even a handrail, on top of a national monument.
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The summer of 2000 will shape up to be the worst for forest and brush fires worldwide since data began to be recorded. Already in the US, it is the worst since 1988. As hundreds of fires remained out of control across the west and more are erupting every day, the US is attempting to support exhausted firefighters with Marines. The 3rd Battalion 16th Field Artillery from Ft. Hood, Texas, will arrive in Boise today and be transported to the a nearby fire area. A second battalion has been ordered from the Marines at Camp Pendleton, California. Their training will begin on Friday, August 4. Dry lightning–from thunderstorms that do not drop rain–is blamed for most of the fires. For the latest government situation report: hundreds of forest fires erupted across the parched more