September 4: A large filament eruption occurred in the northwest quadrant of the solar surface, which could lead to moderate to strong solar storms beginning September 7-8. There have been numerous magnetic storms associated with the current solar maximum, but damage to power systems, satellites and electronic communications has been minimal. If the results of the eruption just recorded follow past history, a strong solar event could develop.

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Diario La Prensa – Nicaraguan farmer Jorge Luis Talavera, who submitted the skeleton of an unknown animal that had been killing his sheep to the National University of Nicaragua for analysis, claims that the photographs they released (see related story 09/01/00) are not of the skeleton he gave them. He also claims that another mysterious creature is attacking his sheep, and is attempting to bait and shoot it as he did the last one.

In a related story, 10 goats were beheaded by what some local residents believe to have been a chupacabras in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua, or possibly by cult members seeking blood for rituals.
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El Nuevo Diario – Scientists in Nicaragua report that they have located a skeleton of an animal that is apparently a strange mix of dog breeds, that was associated with the killing of sheep by exsanguination in the area of the small village of Tolupa. The animal was shot by local farmers after a heavy death toll among sheep in the area was reported. The creature fits the habits and, to a degree, the appearance of the legendary Chupacabra, or Goat Sucker, that has been reported from Puerto Rico to Texas in recent years.
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Climatologist Dr. Mark Serreze at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, has announced that the recent appearance of open water at the North Pole “is nothing to be necessarily alarmed about.” He continued, “we have no clear evidence at this point that this is related to global climate change.” He stated that open water at the North Pole is a commonplace occurrence, but the only earlier satellite data showing the phenomenon was from July of 2000, a month earlier than the event reported recently.
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