Not since 1527 when English Merchant Robert Thorne speculated that a northeast passage across the lower arctic might exist has it been possible for ships to actually traverse the route without the help of icebreakers.
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Effective Sunday, April 16, Whitley Strieber will become the permanent host of Dreamland. Contrary to incorrect information that has appeared on some websites, Mr. Strieber has not been ‘turned down’ as the host of the overnight Coast-to-Coast program. Because of the late hours and the fact that he has an extensive career in writing, film and television, Mr. Strieber cannot assume the duties of a late-night talkshow host. However, it is expected that he will continue to host Dreamland for the foreseeable future. He will also appear as a frequent guest on Coast-to-Coast, and carry out occasional fill-in duty as overnight host. Like everybody, he is sad to see Art go. But he welcomes Mike Siegel and will do everything in his power to support Mike and Coast-to-Coast.
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One of the most massive icebergs ever recorded broke off the Ross Ice Shelf on March 25, 2000. This huge berg measured 183 miles long by 23 miles wide. Now two more enormous bergs have been discovered to have broken off the shelf as well. On March 29, a berg 80 miles long by 12 miles wide separated from the shelf, followed by one measuring 4 by 11 miles on April 4th.

Whether or not the breakup will continue this season is unknown. The Austral autumn and winter are coming, and colder air temperatures are likely to stabilize the ice, at least until the next Austral summer.
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A critical part of the sudden climate change scenario is that the oceans must warn enough to melt substantial amounts of polar ice. This will flood the polar oceans with fresh water, causing temperatures in these oceans to rise. This will weaken the fundamental currents that exchange heat across the planet, leading to the kind of weather upheavals predicted in The Coming Global Superstorm.

Sydney Levitus, chief of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations Ocean Climate Laboratory, the principal author of a new study that reveals that the oceans are indeed warming rapidly, sasd, “we’ve known that oceans could absorb heat…Now we see evidence that this is happening.”
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