Science News – What does this cryptic headline mean? Just this: unlike science fiction writers, physicists have always theorized that higher dimensions must be extremely small, so small that they could not possibly house anything like a living creature. So the idea of ?extradimensionals? has been as fanciful as the idea of aliens hopping in and out of ?wormholes,? an equally fictional idea.
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This photo has been circulating on the internet, allegedly from an anonymous source. It was made by a special effects group for use in a web-based effects class. It has also been used in various other situations. There is no evidence that it is real, but it is a very good job of special effects artistry.

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A video has been made of the moon that shows a ‘fastwalker’ or shadow racing across its surface. This is just one of thousands of unexplained lunar phenomena that have been observed over the years, but it is one of the best documented and most provocative.
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It seems most likely that the controversial GOES-8 photograph that I put on the website last week, and that was the object of a half-hour discussion on Dreamland on January 24, is a picture of the moon. This is not entirely certain, but the image appears like other images that the satellite has taken of the moon, with the difference that there is some sort of interference pattern around the questioned image.

However, a GOES-10 photo has now been found that shows an object that is most definitely NOT the moon. But its appearance is ambiguous. It could be some sort of an artifact of signal interference, although this does not seem very likely. The artifact appears in the lower right quadrant of the photo.
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