For only the second time since monitoring began in 1912, there have been no icebergs reported in North Atlantic shipping lanes. The International Ice Patrol reports that anywhere up to a few thousand bergs normally drift southward from western Greenland to the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. Iceberg season, which runs from February to the end of July, normally brings hundreds of iceberg reports. The reason for the lack of icebergs is that waters around the Grand Banks are three to five degrees warmer than normal. This could mean that excessive melt is taking place, and flooding the sea with dangerous amounts of fresh water that could destabilize the North Atlantic Current, which is crucial to our present more

On the night of September 6-7, there were extensive UFO sightings in the Tampa area. The description of these sightings were eerily similar to those reported from Oregon to California on September 1. The sightings involved objects streaking through the sky, apparently on fire. Calls flooded newsrooms and police lines, in both cases. And in both cases, NORAD dismissed the sightings as re-entering Russian rocket boosters. The Russian embassy told Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center ( that Russia did not allow booster re-entry over the US.
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A single strand of DNA contains more potential computing power than a thousand supercomputers. If DNA segments are used as data bits, trillions of molecular chains can be chemically combined. The result is that computations can be carried out in seconds that would take a supercomputer centuries.

A team led by Chemistry professor Michael C. Pirrung of Duke University has now devised a method of printing DNA on glass chips. This makes using it for computational purposes much easier, and suggests yet another major breakthrough in the journey toward really effective computers.
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Hurricane Floyd appears poised to strike the Florida coast with extreme force, and Hurricane Gert is gathering strength behind it in the south Atlantic. Floyd is an exceptional storm, having grown to Category 5 in just a few days.

In part this is due to a phenomenon explained in the upcoming Art Bell/Whitley Strieber book The Coming Global Superstorm (In Stores December 14). As global warming increases, the difference in the temperature between the lower and upper atmosphere is getting larger and larger. This is spawning ever greater hurricanes and more intensive and frequent tornadoes worldwide, and accounts for last spring’s worldwide outburst of tornadoes, which occurred even in places like China, where they are virtually unheard of.
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