Whitley Strieber hosted the Art Bell Show in limited markets on the nights of April 27 and 28. Strieber hosted the program at his own request, as part of a process of testing possible guest hosts for the show. When Bell returns to the air, it is anticipated that he may not continue the grueling six-night a week schedule he has been on since the inception of Dreamland and Coast-to-Coast. As a frequent guest and fan of the program, Strieber was eager to test as a substitute host.

The test was heard in two markets on April 27, and twenty on April 28.

Additionally, Whitley will be on the full network, May 14th and 17th.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

A stunning revision of quantum theory has effectively replaced Heisenberg?s uncertainty principle with the concept of quantum entanglement. According to Heisenberg, writing in the early years of this century, both the momentum and position of a particle cannot be known at the same time, because the process of measuring the position changes the particle?s momentum.

Previously, only ?thought experiments? were available to test the theory, but this has changed, and the changes have huge implications in areas such as communications.
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What may well be the among most powerful solar maximums ever recorded will reach its height over the next 18 months, according to astronomers. Cycle 23 ?will be one of the largest on record, and compatible with the last two solar cycles,? according to an expert panel chaired by Jo Ann Joselyn of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The panel said that the maximum could peak at 190 sunspots sometime between June of 1999 and January of 2001. In March of 1958, the sunspot number reached 201, the highest ever recorded. In July of 1989, during the height of the last cycle, the number was 159.
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The prestigious British scientific journal The New Scientist reports that scientists are beginning to turn up strange physical measurements from ‘hauntings’ as well as intriguing if not entirely convincing photographic evidence. Unusual magnetic fields and areas of extreme cold in otherwise warm rooms are among the findings that have been documented. Skeptics claim that the magnetic field anomalies trigger hallucinations that result in ghost reports, but this does not explain the growing body of photographic evidence. The issue of whether or not the energies are conscious remains open, and in some cases their behaviors are strange. “Even among open-minded sceptics who hanker for rational, verifiable explanations, some experiences have left them puzzled,” the New Scientist reports.read more