Speaking before a meeting of the World Future Society, Michael P. Harden of Century Technology Services has warned that more serious problems than have been anticipated may arise when computers attempt to shift the calendar to the year 2000. The problem, according to Harden, does not lie so much with software and stand-alone computers, but with millions of chips embedded in all sorts of different systems.

Other experts agree. “It is no minor programming glitch,” according to Jonathan Spalter of the US Information Agency. “If we don’t take action, it could threaten economic stability.”
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The two-hour Confirmation Special will appear on NBC on Wednesday, February 17. Check your local listings for time. Produced by Mark Wolper and Whitley Strieber, the special searches for hard evidence of the unknown, centered around the issues raised in Whitley Strieber’s book Confirmation. Examining such mysteries as unexplained objects in NASA Space Shuttle footage, never before revealed UFO sightings and explosive new information about implants, the special strives to offer an even-handed view. It gives skeptics and believers equal time to state their cases, and is frank about possible hoaxes.read more

On the Art Bell program of December 10-11, 1998, J. Robert Oppenheimer biographer James Kunetka raised questions about some of the MJ-12 documents that have recently been distributed by Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood. Kunetka, the author of “Oppenheimer: The Years of Risk” stated that it was his belief that Albert Einstein, listed as co-author of one of the documents, and as a participant in the production of the highly classified “White-Hot Intelligence Report,” did not possess a security clearance.
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Well-known special effects artist and abductee Steve Neill has been diagnosed with an apparent implant in his right forearm. The object is to be removed by Dr. Roger Leir’s surgical team.

The object is circular, approximately 1/4 inch in diameter and about 1/16th of an inch thick. The forearm also displayed a fracture line at a 45 degree angle near the location of the implant. Despite this, Mr. Neill has no pain in the arm.This is similar to a painless fracture line found in the arm of abductee Jesse Long, who had an unknown object removed from his left shin in 1989, and the mysteriously fused vertebrae that are present in Whitley Strieber’s neck.
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