An investigation has been launched by the New York Attorney General against oil and gas corporation Exxon-Mobil, into allegations that the company lied to the public about the effects of fossil fuels on the Earth’s climate, and to investors, regarding how said change might affect their business. Exxon-Mobil was subpoenaed earlier this month to hand over documents relevant to the case, including emails and financial records.
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The Polish city of Walbrzych has a local legend of a train that was buried by the Nazis toward the close of World War II, laden with looted treasure, to hide it from the advancing Russian army. Last August, two treasure hunters announced that they may have uncovered the resting place of this legendary locomotive, and now engineers are preparing to excavate the site.

Acting on the deathbed confession of a man who claims to have witnessed the loading of the train, treasure hunters Piotr Koper and Andreas Richter used ground-penetrating radar equipment in the indicated area near the city of Walbrzych. They indeed found a train-shaped object in an embankment, near the existing rail line that runs near the city.
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A team of researchers have announced they have completed a map of a previously unknown weather system. Unlike other known weather systems however, this map has recorded wind speeds of 5,400 mph, on a planet 63 light-years away.

This new weather map, generated by astrophysicists at the University of Warwick, in Coventry, England, is of exoplanet HD 189733 b. This is a gas giant that is 14% larger than Jupiter, orbiting the star HD 189733 A, found in the constellation of Vulpecula. It is very close to it’s parent star — nearly 13 times closer than Mercury is to the Sun — and orbits it’s star every 2.2 days.
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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released their temperature data for the Pacific Ocean, confirming that the current El Niño is the hottest ever recorded. Unfortunately, this also may guarantee that the current cycle will result in a prolonged La Niña event in the later half of 2016.

The previous record-holding El Niño period was the week of November 26, 1997, where surface temperatures were recorded at 2.8°C. The new record, for the week ending November 09, 2015, hit an even 3.0°C above normal – over seven percent higher than the previous record. This will result in more severe weather patterns in the US southwest, and possible drought conditions in Australia and Indonesia.
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