A new study of satellite data from NASA says that the overall ice sheet that covers Antarctica has been slowly thickening. However, the two sides of the continent are seeing contrasting effects: warming conditions in West Antarctica have been contributing to the retreat pof  the ices sheets there, and increasing the destabilization of the glaciers.read more

NASA has recently released images taken by the International Space Station crew of massive Neolithic earthworks that are found in modern-day Kazakhstan. 260 sites have been identified, of which form a variety of patterns, including a 900-foot square that is criss-crossed with an X, and a three-armed swastika that sports further curves on the ends of it’s arms.

Initially discovered in 2007 by archaeology enthusiast Dmitriy Dey, the mounds, estimated to be 8,000 years old, have upended archaeologists’ theories regarding what were supposed to be nomadic cultures in the region at that time.
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Released in 2012, Whitley Strieber’s ‘Solar Flares: What You Need to Know‘ put forward the urgent warning that if a coronal mass ejection of sufficient magnitude were to strike the Earth, as has happened in the past, it could destroy our electrical grid; a dangerous, and potentially civilization-ending scenario. Now, the United States government is heeding such warnings, having announced new plans to address such a threat.
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It increasingly appears as if the Russian Metrojet airbus that crashed in the Sinai with the loss of 224 lives on October 31 broke up in flight. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the crash, saying that it destroyed the plane, presumably with a missile. It is not generally believed that ISIS possesses missiles with enough range to reach a plane flying at 33,000 feet. There aren’t any readily available man-launched missiles capable of reaching a plane flying that high, but a number of heavier systems, some light enough to be carried in a pickup truck, could do it.
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