When Whitley Strieber’s book ‘The Key‘ was published in 2001, on of the Master of the Key’s predictions was that there were other universes beyond our own, an idea generally discredited at the time. But now astrophysicists are theorizing that areas of the universe that are experiencing more rapid rates of expansion than others may have given rise to a multitude of pocket universes, perhaps even exhibiting their own laws of physics. A new study has found potential evidence that these pocket universes may have collided with our own in the distant past.
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A tourist from Scotland has recently taken a photograph of a mysterious sea creature, while visiting a cave in Corfu, Greece. The photograph has so far baffled experts, whom are unable to identify the creature.

The photographer, Harvey Robertson, had held his camera over the side of the boat, during a boat cruise in a sea cave, to get a picture of the water. He was unable to see what the camera was taking a picture of until he pulled the camera back in, of which revealed the image of the cryptic creature.
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While periodic heat waves can claim the lives of people that are vulnerable to such conditions, such as the very young and the elderly, a new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Loyola Marymount University shows that if global warming continues unabated, regions such as the Persian Gulf will suffer prolonged heat waves that will exceed the human threshold of survivability for even the fittest of individuals. The study itself showed the usual worldwide effects that have been expected for some time, but when these climate models were applied to the Persian Gulf, it was found that the combination of the region’s low elevations, clear skies and shallow waters created prolonged heat-wave conditions that will exceed the ability of the human body to control heat exchange.read more

Earlier this year, the US Geological Survey predicted that there is a 7% chance that a major 8.0 earthquake will rock Southern California within the next 30 years. However, a new study conducted by NASA says that there is a 99.9% likelihood of a large 5.0+ quake occurring, such as last year’s La Habra quake, within two-and-a-half years.
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