Jaime Maussan has now provided testimony from doctors, all concurring from different viewpoints that the slides he presented at a Mexico City conference on May 5, do not depict a human body. The fontanelles are observed to be closed like those of an adult. The orbit of the skull is 80-90 percent, not the 70 percent that is the size of the orbit in a human skull. The space between the eyes is wider than normal, and the nose is absent. The lower mandible exhibits hyperplasia and there is no evidence of the presence of an ear. read more

Whitley has published a new book, this one about the inner and outer journey of a dog. You can listen to a sample by clicking here. It’s out as an ebook now for $4.99. It will be between covers and on Audible.com shortly. Get Dog Heaven wherever ebooks are sold. Get it for your Kindle and leave a review on Amazon.com.
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Global warming models predict continued warming, and evidence is building that methane release in the arctic is going to cause a temperature spike, but now a new study by scientists from the University of Southampton and UK National Oceanography Centre (NOC), implies that global climate is on the verge of cooling that could last for a number of decades.
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NASA has unveiled an array of nine instrument packages that are to be included on an upcoming space probe that will be sent to Jupiter’s moon Europa, of which will include sensors that will look for evidence of life.

Europa is considered to be a good candidate for harboring life, with what scientists believe to be a liquid, salty ocean over a rocky surface, and hydrothermal vents that could provide heat and nutrients for potential organisms. Conditions similar to these are also found on Earth, and teem with life.
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