Whitley Strieber offers his first impression of the Roswell Slides and, as one might expect, it’s likely to remain one of the most fascinating things ever said about them, Roswell itself and the whole issue of alien contact. As Whitley has said, "I am certain that the Roswell Incident happened because one of my uncles was present at Wright Field and witnessed the arrival of the debris. He and his commanding officer, General Arthur Exon, gave me descriptions of what they knew about the debris, what had happened to cause the secrecy, and what was thought of what the materials represented. I used their statements as the basis for my novel Majestic." To read Whitley’s Journal: The Roswell Slides, click here.
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 Changes in medicine are finally leading to changes in how medicine is taught at some university hospitals. Now, in addition to learning how the body works, aspiring doctors are having to learn how the medical system, itself, works.

At the University of Michigan Medical School, second year students spend class hours improving their communication and negotiation skills – something that will be important to them for working as part of a medical team, sharing options with their patients, determining with colleagues who gets top-billing as lead author on a research paper, and explaining how the whole thing works to the outside world.
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This appeared over San Diego early in the morning of April 30. It was reported on local news and observed by a number of people. Is it a cluster of LED lights on balloons? A genuine unknown. Apparently it was only visible for a short time. The red, white and blue coloring of the lights suggests a prosaic origin, but, as one of the commenters on the video notes, UFO clusters are becoming more common. For the present, this is an unknown, and a dramatic one. Please note: the video of San Diego NBC Channel 7’s report on this sighting has been removed by the poster.
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An underwater volcano off the coast of Washington State may be blowing its top. At the same time, a massive new magma pool has been discovered under Yellowstone. In accordance with the predictions of two geologists (Bill Chadwick, of Oregon State University and Scott Nooner of the University of North Carolina Wilmington) the Axial Seamount – the most active submarine volcano in the of the northwest coast, has become active. Thousands of microquakes have been recorded in the area over the past week. These quakes, like the ones being recorded at Yellowstone, are probably a result of magma movement, although there is no evidence of any immediate threat at Yellowstone.read more