10 fast radio bursts have been detected in the past 15 years that all have the same unusual characteristic of an arrival delay close to a multiple of 187.5. There is no known natural process to explain this. Initially the bursts appeared to be coming from billions of light years away, far outside of our own galaxy. But recent analysis suggests that they may be coming from a group of objects in the Milky Way. Michael Hippke of the Institute for Data Analysis in Germany and John Learned at the University of Hawaii say that if the pattern is real, it is very hard to explain. There is a 5 in 10,000 probability that the line up is a coincidence. If it is a natural process, perhaps in some way involving pulsars, it is the result of a physics that we don’t yet understand.read more

Despite our fascination with meaningful, a-causal co-incidences, we tend to overlook or dismiss linguistic synchronicities – and what we might learn from an anagram or pun. Thus, the fact that ‘prescience’ can be aptly written out as ‘pre-science’ often escapes our notice or, if noticed, our ascription of significance.

Yet, 1000’s of years and many millions of dollars after ancient sages attested to the health-giving benefits of meditation, Science – the slower, younger brother of the mystical arts – can now verify technologically that meditation actually changes the brain in ways that make us better people.
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The town of Cannock Chase in the UK Midlands is a high strangeness hotspot, and now a huge UFO has crossed the area emitting a powerful rumbling sound. On the night of March 24 at approximately 9PM local time, residents were startled by a loud noise coming from the sky. They rushed out of their homes to see an enormous dark shape defined by three red lights moving slowly over the area. The general consensus is that it must have been some sort of secret drone, perhaps being flown from a US aircraft carrier that had recently arrived in the nearby port of Portsmouth. But there are significant problems with this explanation.
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by Trish and Rob MacGregor

In the aftermath of an early morning UFO encounter in his back yard that ended with both he and his wife losing consciousness, Charles Fontaine was haunted by a series of strange coincidences and paranormal experiences. Even though he rarely read books outside of his field in aeronautics, he went to a bookstore in a Montreal mall and picked up one book, the French edition of The Seven Secrets of Synchronicity.
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