NASA has announced that an experimental propulsion system that needs only energy from sunlight appears to produce sufficient thrust to power spacecraft. This means that, once a spacecraft is in orbit, it will be able to accelerate away from the earth to the edges of the solar system, without fuel. This means that travel throughout the solar system is going to become much more possible and far cheaper.
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Further controversy surrounds the legendary Eisenhower Briefing Document (EBD), as a copy the MJ-12 Document has been found inside a declassified Department of Defense File.

The paper was renowned for allegedly providing proof that President Dwight Eisenhower was supplied with an overview of the situation regarding extra-terrestrial contact at the time of his accession to the White House. The authenticity of the document has always been in question, but this latest find has added to the ongoing debate.

If the EBD is not genuine, then why was it placed into another classified file?
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The "Dust Bowl" era was a devastating period of exceptional droughts and dust storms that had a profound effect on the ecology and agriculture of the U.S. and Canadian prairies in the 1930s. Some regions of the High Plains experienced drought conditions for up to eight years, and tens of thousands of families were forced to abandon their farms. Some people are now beginning to see a similar pattern beginning to emerge as a result of climate change, and these results could potentially be very long-lasting, ultimately reducing the population density in affected areas and increasing it in other, more climactically hospitable regions.
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One of our store cupboard staple ingredients could be an unlikely weapon in the fight against Parkinson’s disease.

Scientists have found that cinnamon, a spice commonly used all over the world, contains a chemical with brain-protecting benefits.

A recent study using mice discovered that the substance Cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon is converted into sodium benzoate by the liver, a substance approved for the treatment of neurological disorders. A team at Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago found that, once synthesised, the chemical enters the brain and prevents the loss of certain proteins that help to protect cells and neurons, and improve motor functions.
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