As the human population grows, it is critical that the drain on the planet’s resources be lessened by decreasing consumption of animal protein. According to two panel discussions on June 23 and 24 at the 2014 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo® in New Orleans, insects are a promising, economically viable alternative source of high quality protein that leave a substantially smaller environmental footprint.
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Fracking, the process of injecting numerous chemicals and millions of gallons of water deep underground under high pressure to fracture hard rock and release trapped natural gas and oil, is a very controversial method of energy extraction which has been associated with many negative side effects. In the United States, it has been found to cause earthquakes, water contamination and a myriad number of health issues.
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When Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared without a trace in March, Whitley Strieber’s Journal predicted that, rather than being the end of the story, this event could herald the beginning of a terror attack.

Now, as the mystery begins to unfold, new evidence has come to light that suggests Whitley’s prediction could indeed come true.
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Mass extinctions have happened periodically throughout Earth’s history for a variety of different reasons, with the usual culprits being either asteroid hits or climate change. The Eocene extinction was originally thought to have been caused by climate induced issues, but recent evidence has suggested that the changes in the weather occurred due to a meteor strike, now believed to be the one that created the Popigai crater in Siberia. The resulting "impact winter" was caused by tiny particles blanketing the Earth and reflecting the sun’s heat, creating a global temperature drop that wiped out most of the Earth’s species.
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