In the wake of yet more bloodshed in our educational establishments during the past few weeks, a chilling map has been created that illustrates the full extent of the school shooting phenomena in the United States.
The map shows a grim reality: that since the Sandy Hook Massacre in December 2012, a startling total of 74 other shootings associated with schools and colleges have taken place across the U.S..

The map includes any form of incident in which a firearm was discharged inside a school building or on school or campus grounds, including homicides, suicides, and accidents, as defined by the Everytown for Gun Safety (EGS) network in its February 2014 Analysis of School Shootings report.
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The future of motoring is about to change radically. In the future, there should be no need for noisy, fuel-guzzling vehicles that belch damaging fumes into our precious atmosphere, pounding our roads and harming our environment, as advances in science have provided stunning new alternatives, some of which do not even require a driver.

One such innovation has emerged from motor giant, Toyota, who have been prototyping a new "hover-car" developed through their sophisticated Research and Development division.
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Have you ever regretted a missed opportunity to send a message to someone? Did you think that your life may well have been different if you had communicated certain things, and you would give anything to re-live that moment again?

According to scientists from Jesus College, Cambridge, U.K., you may get your chance to right the wrongs of the past – in the future.
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