Mysterious holes are appearing across the Indiana sand dunes and nobody knows why.
What is even stranger is that the holes, which are about a foot wide and sometimes immeasurably deep, then fall in on themselves and vanish again within a day of materializing.

The local National Park Service has closed Mount Baldy indefinitely after one of the first holes swallowed up a six year old boy last July. The unfortunate child managed to escape without serious injury after remaining buried under the sand for several hours. Since then, two other holes have opened and 66 other "soft spot" anomalies have been identified across the dune.
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If you were in possession of documents or artifacts that had to be preserved at all costs, and you were inhabiting a planet with an uncertain future, where would you hide these precious commodities?
Deep underground in a protective bunker? Fathoms under the ocean? Inside a mountain in a secret cave? Preserved within the ice of the polar regions?

Well, the answer is…none of the above.
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Computerised tomography (CT) scanners are normally used to create detailed images of the inside of the body, but they have recently been used to scan more unusual patients.

Eight Egyptian mummy exhibits from The British Museum in London have been transported to hospitals across the city under the cover of darkness and placed inside CT scanners, where the high quality imaging has yielded some revealing and rather surprising results.
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Technology has been around since the dawn of time. Not just tablets, phones, computers or television, but any device that has helped to facilitate the processes of daily life. A rock to bash things with, a stick to stir things with, a knife to kill or cut with, or even the wheel! But for most people, the term "technology" is associated with the recent wealth of digital media and cyber tools that have now proliferated across the planet into all corners of the world, and more specifically, the Internet and social media.

“The Internet has radically changed nearly every level of human experience in an incredibly short amount of time,” says Lee Siegel, author of Against the Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob.
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