An eighty-year-old theory looks set to become a reality, after researchers managed to develop the technique in less than a day during their coffee break!

The concept of turning light into matter sounds inconceivable, yet however far-fetched it sounds, the Universe that we inhabit was created when energy was transformed into substance.
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The new SARS-like virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus infection (MERS), is spreading across the planet, and the World Health Organisation has labelled it a "threat to the entire world."

The virus, which the World Health Organisation (WHO) originally said would never pose a threat outside the Middle East, has now reached 18 countries across the world. Cases have now been confirmed in Jordan, Lebanon, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Great Britain.
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A few days ago, Unknown Country Climate Watch predicted "extremes of flooding" across the Northern Hemisphere. Those who read this site regularly will know how accurate Climate Watch predictions have proved to be, and this one, unfortunately, is no exception.

Unbelievable and unprecedented floods have decimated parts of the Balkans region in Europe, which was deluged by over a foot (0.3m) of rain in just two days, the equivalent of four month’s typical rainfall for that area. Large areas of Serbia, Bosnia and eastern Croatia are now under water, with an instant inland sea created across the region.
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Mysterious signals from outer space are being detected by scientists, and so far their origins are unexplained.

The Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) have been foxing astronomers since they were initially identified in 2007; the first one, named the Lorimer burst after its discoverer Duncan Lorimer, was a random signal lasting just five milliseconds. This original FRB was so fleeting that it left researchers wondering for years whether it had merely been a malfunction in one of the telescope’s instruments, but since then several other isolated signals have been detected.
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