A highly-classified AI system used to analyze intelligence data spotted a UAP fitting the description of the ‘Tic-Tac’ object in May 2021, according to a series of National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Aside from reporting on what appears to be a genuinelyread more

Scientists studying soil samples returned from asteroid Ryugu have confirmed that the near-Earth object is home to a slew of organic compounds, most importantly one that is essential to the formation of DNA, along with the metabolically-essential vitamin B3. This discovery suggests that life on our planet may not haveread more

Whitley’s explosive new book Them is now available on Kindle and in paperback. It will be published in hardcover and as an audiobook read by Whitley as soon as possible. Them is not about his personal experiences, but rather offers completely new insight into close encounter, both civilian and military.read more