Fables have declared for millennia that the Moon, one of the most influential planets in our solar system, is made of green cheese.

The legend arose from an ancient tale that described how a wolf was convinced by his prey, a wiley fox, that the moon’s reflection in a pool was a tasty round cheese. The hapless wolf was persuaded to drink the contents of the pool in an attempt to sink his teeth into the delicious delicacy, whereupon he burst and died, and the clever fox escaped.
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The United Kingdom has been shrouded in a blanket of smog for the past few days, caused by record levels of pollution.

The U.K. government stated that the situation is temporary and has arisen due to a ‘combination of local emissions, light winds, pollution from the continent and dust blown over from the Sahara’, but this allegedly blinkered viewpoint has been widely criticized.

European Commission spokesperson, Joe Hennon, described the prime minister’s comments as "more than disappointing" and of showing a "clear misunderstanding" of the air pollution crisis.
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 As Japan finally allows residents living near to the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant back to their homes, the world is stopping to review the progress that has been made there over the past three years.

The area has been sealed off since the nuclear plant suffered severe damage after an earthquake and tsunami back in March 2011, but the Japanese authorities have now deemed it safe to lift an evacuation order and allow 350 residents to return to their homes in an area 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the site.
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NASA scientists have allegedly been working tirelessly for years in order to establish the possibility of finding any form of life on the planet Mars.

To date, they assert that no definitive evidence has been found, despite recent reports which suggest that the planet hosts a plentiful water source. But a recent image snapped by the Opportunity rover earlier this year has elevated the topic into a cause celebre amongst scientists in this field of research.

The image shows an unusual stone-like object on the surface of Mars, which seemed to suddenly appear in one of the photos.read more