It’s that time of year again, as we watch an old year slip into a memory and prepare to greet a brand new year, pulsing with possibilities, each new day waiting like a blank page to be filled with the next chapter of our life. The promise of a fresh start, like new snow unsullied by the footprints of our past mistakes, gives us an opportunity to leave behind that which no longer serves us and to focus on goals that remain unaccomplished, and this is probably the reason why around 50% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions. Yet for many of us, these resolutions are soon forgotten and seldom achieved; old habits are carried over to taint the new year and we soon become immersed in the quicksand of old beliefs, allowing old cycles to surface and be perpetuated once more.
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3D printers are now being utilised for a variety of different mediums; in fact, there seems to be no limit to their potential.

In Britain, they are being used to create the ultimate chocolate gift by a company called ChocEdge. The company, which grew out of a University of Exeter project in 2012, can create a unique sculpture of your face using layers of dark, milk or white chocolate, based on a photographic image.

"Everyone loves chocolate so that’s why we’ve tried to make it easy and accessible for mainstream consumers," said Dr Liang Hao from the University of Exeter, who founded Choc Edge.
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If you are a lady and you are worried about how you will resist the abundance of festive food this Christmas, then Microsoft may have the answer for you.

Girls, forget the "Smartphone", now you can put the "Smartbra" on your Christmas list! This handy new device will ensure that you stay off Santa’s "naughty" list, well, at least when it comes to breaking your diet.
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