The effects of climate change have caused mass-extinction type events previously in Earth’s history, say scientists.

Members of a U.N.-sponsored research team with members from Appalachian State University’s Department of Geology have found evidence for catastrophic oceanographic events associated with climate change and a mass extinction 375 million years ago that devastated tropical marine ecosystems.
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The subject of time travel has intrigued both scientists and science-fiction writers alike for centuries, but now scientists are suggesting that the concept is theoretically sound.

Back in September of this year, UK physicist, Professor Brian Cox, declared that time travel was certainly possible, but only to the future and not to the past.

"The central question is, can you build a time machine? The answer is yes, you can go into the future," the University of Manchester professor told the audience during a speech given at the British Science Festival. "You’ve got almost total freedom of movement in the future."
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 In February 2013, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of codeine as a pain-reliever for children after tonsillectomies. Doctors were forced to look for a safer alternative, and have looked to the ancient art of acupuncture to provide an viable substitute.

A recent study, conducted by Dr. James Ochi, used acupuncture for a test group of tonsillectomy patients, and the results were impressive. Dr. Ochi, a San Diego pediatric ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon of some 20 years experience, used acupuncture on a total of 31 of his patients, in the age range 2 to 17 years old. Prior to treatment, the patients reported an average pain level of 5.52 out of 10, but after 15 minutes of acupuncture, this level had dropped to just 1.92.
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The truth is out there, and it seems that the man who is intent on revealing it has returned to the White House staff. Former chief of staff in the Clinton administration, John Podesta, has recently been appointed as President Obama’s newest advisor, though his advice may prompt some rather interesting debates between himself and the President.
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