The truth is out there, and it seems that the man who is intent on revealing it has returned to the White House staff. Former chief of staff in the Clinton administration, John Podesta, has recently been appointed as President Obama’s newest advisor, though his advice may prompt some rather interesting debates between himself and the President.
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For some, the concept of the seven ‘chakras’ or energy centers in the body is a difficult one to embrace, yet it appears that science has managed to provide evidence to confirm their existence. Chakra points have been accepted by mystics, saints, wise men and yogis as part of our spiritual body for centuries, but Dr. Hiroshimi Motoyama, a scientist, Shinto priest and founder of the International Association for Religion and Parapsychology, has now been able to create a special instrument that is capable of detecting and measuring activity in chakra locations. The instrument has been able to identify minute electrical, magnetic and optical changes in test subjects when chakra points were activated.
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For the first time in over 100 years, several inches of snow have fallen in Cairo and the Sinai desert in Egypt, forcing the closure of ports on the Red Sea coast. In an area averaging less than an inch of rain each year, such snowfall is a very rare phenomenon.

Severe storm "Alexa" is responsible for the unusual weather; she blew in from Turkey last Wednesday to drape the West Bank and Israel under a blanket of white, causing total chaos and prompting Israeli authorities to lift the Jewish Sabbath ban on public in order to cope with the crisis.
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The idea of healing using light energy sounds very "new-age", but the medical profession are beginning to understand that there isan incredible healing power hidden within the light spectrum.

The use of light, especially ultraviolet light, to treat medical conditions is known as "phototherapy". Natural sunlight has been recommended by physicians to treat certain skin disorders for thousands of years, but it is now known that it is the ultraviolet part of the radiation produced by the sun that is used in phototherapy, in particular the ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) wavelengths.
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