It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s a . . . jellyfish?

Researchers have built a small vehicle that is able to fly through the air using graceful, undulating movements similar to those of a jellyfish swimming through water.

The work, which will be presented at the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting on November 24 in Pittsburgh, demonstrates a new method of flight that could transport miniaturized future robots for surveillance, search-and-rescue, and monitoring of the atmosphere and traffic.
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It seems as though wild weather events have rarely been out of the headlines recently. It has been a bleak weekend in some parts of America after yet another fatal storm blasted its way through five US states.
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It seems almost irreverent to sully the memory of this fine man by debating yet another conspiracy-style theory, yet 50 years after his death controversy still surrounds the president’s murder.

It has been difficult to lay the case to rest when so many questions remain unanswered, and there have been calls to exhume President Kennedy’s body in order to finally uncover the truth.
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 Most scientists dismiss the idea of ‘life after death’ as a fanciful notion which is impossible to prove. In fact, new research indicates that it is actually the idea of ‘death’ which is becoming less likely and harder to prove, as everything we learn about quantum physics suggests that space and time do not actually exist in our perceived linear structure, so, in theory, death cannot possibly exist.
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