Over the past few years, Unknown Country has been monitoring stories of numerous strange and inexplicable noises which have been reported all across the globe. For the most part, the source of these strange sounds, or ‘Hums’ as they have become known, has remained a mystery. Those areas known to have long-standing Hum problems include Leeds and Bristol in England, Taos in New Mexico, Windsor in Ontario, Largs in Scotland, Kokomo in Indiana, and Bondi in Sydney, Australia. The noises, which were first reported in the 1950s, are described as low-frequency ‘humming, droning, throbbing or rumbling’, similar to a diesel engine idling.
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Cyclone Phailin has become a larger version of Hurricane Sandy, a huge storm packing winds of 160 miles per hour, striking at one of the most heavily populate low-lying areas on Earth. The cyclone has the potential to cause massive damage, but so far barely 70,000 people of the millions in its path have fled the region. Twenty-six of the thirty-five most deadly storms in history have struck the Bay of Bengal. It was believed on Friday morning that it would lose some strength before going ashore, but it unexpectedly increased in power, very much as Hurricane Sandy did, and for the same reason: the waters the storm is crossing are warmer than normal.
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It has been suggested that the search for the Truth can often lead seekers into treacherous territory, particularly, it seems, in the field of UFO research where a disproportionate number of researchers appear to have lost their lives. Could it just be a coincidence that during the past ten years a total of 137 researchers, writers, scientists, and witnesses in a small niche community have died, often in the most odd or unlikely manner?
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Unknowncountry has been monitoring the increased earthquake activity at Yellowstone Park in Wyoming, and considering the potential effects of a Super-volcano eruption. The National Park is perched on top of a simmering Super-volcano which has been responsible for some of the largest and most cataclysmic volcanic eruptions in known history.

Last week’s ‘Weekender’ feature documented an increase in earthquake swarms around the Yellowstone area – over 130 in September alone – and a 3 inch swell in the volcano’s caldera every year for the past three years suggesting that the magma underneath is rising. The cause of the tremors has not yet been determined, but could be influenced by planetary alignments according to some experts and peer-reviewed studies.
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