The conehead skulls of Peru have been dismissed as the result of ‘binding,’ but these are not bound skulls. In fact, they aren’t even human skulls. They do not have the right bone structure to be human and they have far larger brain cases. In fact, the native practice of skull binding may have represented an effort to make themselves appear more like these creatures.

Were they a species of ape, a now-extinct human species, or aliens?
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Can energy from the remnants of exploding stars out in the Galaxy really affect cloud formation in the Earth’s atmosphere?

Since 1996, Danish researchers have been attempting to prove that cosmic rays from outer space could play a significant role in cloud formation. read more

Gobekli Tepe was discovered in 1995, and excavations have been going on ever since at the site in southern Turkey. The site consists of dozens of t-shaped dolmens covered with carvings of animals, some known and some unknown. The site has been positively dated to the 10th to 8th millennium BC, making it the oldest known structure in the world. Remains found on the site indicate that people came to it from as far away as the middle east and even southern Russia.

Incredibly, after the vast site was completed, it was then buried over a period of hundreds of years. It is not only the oldest human built structure, it is the only one known to have been intentionally buried.
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On the morning of April 22, 2012, the northern Californian skies were lit by a ball of light which, according to weather radar, crashed to earth in Sutter’s Mill west of the Sierra Nevada. The object’s descent was also visible across Nevada and created a sonic boom and fierce winds.
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