The near-death experience reported by cardiac arrest survivors worldwide may be grounded in science, according to research at the University of Michigan.

Previously, it was not believed that the brain could be active after death, but now it appears that there is a burst of superconsicous activity for about 30 seconds AFTER its blood flow has stopped. Some scientists are saying that this is proof that the near-death experience is ‘all in the brain,’ but others aren’t so sure.

A U-M study showed shortly after clinical death, in which the heart stops beating and blood stops flowing to the brain, rats display brain activity patterns characteristic of conscious perception.
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Persistent rainfall and flooding across the central US is being caused by an unusual condition in the jet stream that has meteorologists scratching their heads. Normally in midsummer, the jet stream rises to the north and becomes weaker, flowing over central Canada and occasionally dipping down into the US, bringing outbursts of summer thunderstorms with it. This year, however, it has been acting in an erratic manner. In June, it looped high into the arctic, bringing record temperatures to Alaska and Siberia and accelerating summer ice melt dramatically. Then it dropped further south than usual, the summer melt ended and became normal, but the central US began to experience a cooler and wetter summer. Until August 10, one loop of the stream was stationary over the US more

On August 4 rescuers desperately freeing Katie Lenz from her mangled car at an accident site in Missouri were astonished when a priest who had come to offer comfort suddenly seemed to disappear. Now a priest whose face closely matches that of that of an artists’ impression of the mystery man has come forward and identified himself as the priest who stopped to reassure the rescuers and give comfort to the woman trapped in the damaged car. According to a press release from the Diocese of Jefferson City, he is Father Patrick Dowling, a Diocesan Priest.
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Once again, birds are mysteriously dropping out of the sky dead, and, as always, the media treats it as if this continuing mystery is happening for the first time. This time, the mystery is unfolding in Winnepeg, Manitoba in Canada. Roughly 40 dread grackles were collected last Wednesday and given to the province’s chief veterinarian. 20 more were found on the roof of a building, most dead and others in death throes. An initial examination of the birds’ stomach contents did not reveal anything abnormal, and further toxicology tests are being undertaken at this time.
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