Legendary radio host Art Bell is returning to the air on September 16 on Sirius XM Satellite Radio with a late-night program called ‘Art Bell’s Dark Matter.’ Art ended his regular hosting of Coast to Coast AM in 2002, and has not been on the air since Halloween of 2010. The show will air from 10PM to 1AM Eastern Time, and Art will have total freedom to do exactly what he wants. Unlike terrestrial radio, satellite broadcasts are not subject to the constraints imposed by regulatory authorities. The program will not compete directly with Coast to Coast AM, which starts nationwide as ‘Dark Matter’ leaves the air. ‘Dark Matter’ will cover the paranormal, UFOs, shadow people and all the wildness of the night.read more

New information suggests that powerful individuals were involved in a coverup of the JFK assassination that led to the Warren Report’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing the president. In addition, former NTSB investigators have come forward to demand that the Flight 800 case be re-opened, stating that the plane was shot down by a missile, and that the CIA lied when it claimed that a fuel explosion was responsible.
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If the human race remains trapped on Planet Earth, one way or another, we will eventually go extinct. The only way to prevent this is to express ourselves out into the surrounding galaxy and beyond in a significant way. But to do that we must understand and harness the force of gravity, and now a group of scientists have found some new hints that may provide the clues that we need to make some progress in this field, which has been stymied for years.
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Only 4% of the universe is made of known material. Stars and gas in galaxies move so fast that astronomers have speculated that the gravity from a hypothetical invisible halo of dark matter is needed to keep galaxies together. However, a solid understanding of dark matter as well as direct evidence of its existence has remained elusive.

A research team made up of astronomers from around the world believes that the interactions between dark and ordinary matter could be more important and more complex than previously thought, and even speculate that dark matter might not exist and that the anomalous motions of stars in galaxies are due to a modification of gravity on extragalactic scales.
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