The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was closed down in May due to budget cuts, and the site in Gakona, Alaska has been abandoned. The site was closed down in May. Nobody is on site, buildings are locked and the power is turned off. HAARP’s official website is no longer available. In the next two months, a government contractor will be assigned to the facility, but the reason for this remains unclear. Either it will be to dismantle it, or to run it for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) which has a program scheduled to run on it in the fall.

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Scottish archaeologists have discovered the world’s oldest known lunar calendar–a series of 12 large, especially shaped pits, around 10,000 years old, that were designed to mimic the various phases of the moon. The pits align perfectly on the midwinter solstice in a way that would have helped the hunter gathers of Mesolithic Britain keep accurate track of the passage of the seasons and the lunar cycle. Thisis older than Stonehenge, which was built sometime between 3000 BC and 2000 BC. These pits pre-date all other calendars so far discovered, but are surprisingly sophisticated, designed so that changes can be made periodically to keep up with the precession of the equinox. Considering their age, this is an amazing and unexpected more

The Italian agriculture, health and environment ministries have signed a decree banning the cultivation of a type of genetically modified corn, known as "YieldGuard," citing the crop’s possible "negative impact on biodiversity." The corn has been modified to resist insect infestation.

Agriculture Minister Nunzia De Girolamo said, "It is a measure that protects our specificity and safeguards Italy from standardization. Our agriculture is based on biodiversity and quality."
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