The Baltic Anomaly, a strangely shaped object discovered last year at the bottom of the Baltic Ocean, has proved to be harder to fathom than researchers originally believed. It now appears that it might be far older than thought, possibly associated with an ancient mining operation. Last summer, our final report on the anomaly we reported that some of the researchers had concluded that the object might have been something placed there by the Nazis to disrupt Russian submarine navigation. However, after more fragments have been brought to the surface, it has developed that the anomaly contains a complex mix of metals, and is not the concrete block it was originally thought to more

Our universe may not be alone, something that the Master of the Key predicted in his 1998 conversation with Whitley Strieber, that was published in the Key in 2002. According to the eternal inflation model of the universe, the universe we see around us may not be alone. Even though it is truly immense, consisting of at least 100 billion galaxies like our own, the model predicts that it is a kind of bubble in a field of other bubbles, each of which contains another universe.

While these bubbles are racing away from each other, they have probably collided in the past, leaving ‘cosmic bruises’ that should be visible today in the

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Dogs are not only considered a delicacy in Vietnam, they are slaughtered with intentional cruelty because the adrenaline this produces in the suffering animal improves the flavor. Dogs are also rare in Vietnam and must be smuggled in from other countries in an illegal trade that activists in Thailand are trying hard to stop. This is because the country where most of the smuggling originates is Thailand. Pet dogs provide the best meat and, because of their love of man, are easiest to handle. Activists believe that 98% of the animals involved are stolen pets.
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Rivers across Central Europe rose above flood stage as parts of Prague flooded along banks of the Vltava River. So far, two people have died in flooding in Germany and Switzerland, and two are known dead and one missing in Austria. Declining energy from the Gulf Stream is driving less and less warm water into the waters around the British Isles, leading to cold and unstable weather across the western and central parts of the continent. At the same time, cold fresh water flowing down into the North Sea from Arctic melt has intensified unusually cold spring conditions across central and northern more