Over the past 48 hours, the sun has exploded with no fewer than four x-class flares. X flares are the most powerful type of flare. Sunspot AR1748 has produced the flares. The latest X-flare from the sunspot occured on May 15th at 0152 UT. For four x-flares to take place over such a short period of time is highly unusual, and NASA is estimating that the sunspot has a 50% chance of generating more x-flares, and an 80% chance of generating smaller m-class flares. These flares are generating high levels of solar radiation, but so far, purely by chance, have not been directed at Earth.
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Anne Strieber’s recovery has proceeded far enough to enable her to attend the Revelations Symposium where she and Clare Henry will present a program on angels in their lives. Until today, Anne’s plans were unsure, but her doctor has cleared her to make the trip, so we’re going to enjoy a wonderful presentation that will open our minds to one of the most inspiring but denied realities of our time. As always, Anne is eager to meet attendees personally who would like to discuss their close encounter experiences and share with her the joy of prayer.
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The Object Report has published one of the best and most detailed black triangle witness reports in the history of the UFO phenomenon. It is available as an Insight on Unknowncountry.com and on the Object Report’s blog.

On March 20th, 2013 the Object Report received an exceptionally detailed email from an eyewitness who described a detailed personal sighting of a very large black triangle craft near Camarillo, California. He observed the object for a extended period, and at one point from a range of just 400 feet.
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When Superstorm Sandy turned and took aim at New York City and Long Island last October, ocean waves hitting each other and the shore rattled the seafloor and much of the United States–shaking that was detected by seismometers across the country. (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this program on earthquake prediction.)

Seismologist Keith Koper says, "We detected seismic waves created by the oceans waves both hitting the East Coast and smashing into each other."
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