A third of all honeybee colonies in the United States died last winter. This is a catastrophic rate of decline which, if it continues, will threaten the national food supply beginning within a few years. The rate of decline is roughly twice what the bee population can sustain. Last March, the California almond crop was threatened by a lack of bees for pollination. One third of all food consumed in the United States comes from plants that are pollinated by bees, and the failure of these food sources would lead to serious food shortages.
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The FAA knows what a mysterious plane that has been flying low in loops over Quincy, Massachusetts for the past few weeks is doing, but it is refusing to tell. The plane is not owned by state or local authorities. An FAA spokesman has said that they do know why the plane is there, but that they cannot inform the public. They are even refusing to say whether it poses a danger or not.

Keep up with this developing story on Linda Moulton Howe’s Earthfiles.com.

Read more on CBS Boston. Click here.
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For the second time in just two weeks, the discovery of a lost city has been announced. This one is in the Kalahari Desert in Africa, now one of the most desolate places on Earth. It appears to be similar in many ways to the Nazca site in Peru, only much larger. The ‘city’ was found by a crowd-sourced research project using Google Maps, and has not yet been explored on the ground. Until that happens, the exact nature of the find cannot be determined.read more

There remain many unanswered questions about 911, and a new report has surfaced suggesting that Osama bin Laden and his number 2 Al Qaeda commander Ayman al-Zawahiri worked with secret NATO forces for 3 months after 911 to sow discord and upheaval in the Caucasus. The claim is being made by Sibil Edmonds, who Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg has claimed has "information far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers."
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