We are receiving more and more reports from UFO hunters that they are having success. What was a rare experience ten years ago is now commonplace. But you have to take some basic steps (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).

First, you need to be prepared to spend some time outdoors at night, so appropriate clothing is important, as are snacks and whatever else you need to stay warm.

A good camera and tripod are also important. Preferably a high quality still camera or an HD video camera. In both cases, bring a tripod and a good zoom lens. Don’t rely on a cellphone camera.
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The Ukraine has trained dolphins to be attack animals, ready to go after enemy swimmers, wearing knives on their noses. The Soviet Union originated this program, and turned over to Ukraine after the Cold War. The program includes training dolphins to search for underwater mines and mark them with buoys.

On the Wired.com website, Robert Beckhusen quotes the US Navy, which also has a trained mammal program, as saying, "Since dolphins cannot discern the difference between enemy and friendly vessels, or enemy and friendly divers and swimmers, it would not be wise to give that kind of decision authority to an animal."
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We’ve discovered that a lot of the "mystery meat" in tacos and fast food is really horse meat, despite being labeled as "beef." Here’s the latest example of mislabeling: Two department stores have been caught selling REAL fur coats as "fake fur," probably in deference to animal-loving customers.

The Fur Act of 1951 stipulates that customers need to be told where a fur comes from, what animal it’s made of, whether it has been colored or bleached, and whether it’s new or used.
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There’s a billboard up ahead, a roadside sign full of language and imagery. You become emotionally distracted, and guess what happens next?

One researcher has discovered that language used on billboards can provoke an emotional response that affects our driving abilities. And whether the words have a negative or positive connotation seems to determine whether the attention wanders or the foot gets heavier.
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