Men’s fertility could be threatened by chemicals in our environment–especially estrogenic plastics. Scientists examining dead otters in the UK for the last 20 years have noticed a decrease in penis bone weight (but not length).

Despite the slang term "boner," human males don’t have a penis bone, but many other primates do, including gorillas and chimpanzees, and all male rodents have one.

However, human males are still at risk for the same sort of distortion due to the hormone disrupting chemicals called EDCs, which are found in plastic bottles, metal food cans that are lined with plastic, detergents, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides.
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Around 2,000 coyotes live in Chicago and New York and their suburbs–and probably in the big city nearest to YOU as well. They were once restricted to the Southwest, but they’ve spread across the country in the last 100 years. When your backyard got too crowded, they moved into the alleys between the skyscrapers.

Coyotes are smart, extremely adaptable and reproduce quickly. They’ll eat almost anything: rabbits, rats, geese, fruit, and insects–and maybe even your pet kitty.
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Billboards advertising fast food may inspire people to eat more, and thus gain weight. Advertisers are careful not to place billboards advertising cigarettes or liquor too close to schools, but fat people are everywhere, so there’s no way to regulate these ads.

A team of researchers walked around Los Angeles and New Orleans, noting every outdoor advertisement they saw. When they compared the height and weight of over 2,000 residents in these locations, after paying them to answer a telephone survey, they found that for every 10% increase in food ads, the odds of being obese increased by 5%.
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