When you twist your head around to check for a driver in your "blind spot" before changing lanes, don’t you wish you could swivel your head around like an owl? Owls can rotate their heads by as much as 270 degrees in either direction without damaging the delicate blood vessels in their necks and heads, and without cutting off the blood supply to their brains.

Owls also have the uncanny ability to fly silently, relying on specialized plumage to reduce noise so they can hunt in acoustic stealth (many "contactees" have mistaken Grays for owls).
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Smiling–whether you FEEL happy or not–is good for your health: it slows down your heart and reduces stress. In fact, the very act of smiling makes us feel happier. Frowning does the opposite, which is why preventing people from frowning, with the use of Botox, can help cure depression.
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An extraordinary discovery of European stone tools along the eastern seaboard of the United States indicates that Europeans reached American shores 10,000 years before Siberians came across the ancient Alaskan land bridge.

That doesn’t excuse the way we treated the Indians, but it does reveal that America was first discovered by Stone Age Europeans (the Solutrean cultures of France and what is now Spain). Chemical analysis of a European-style stone knife found in Virginia in 1971 revealed that it was made of flint from France.
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An increasing number of people die from unintentional home injury, in large part due to accidental drug overdose.

Older adults and infants have the highest rates of death from unintentional home injury. More than 30,000 such deaths occurred between 2000 and 2008.

Researcher Carol W. Runyan says, "Falls continue to be the major source of fatal home injury in older adults and suffocation the leading cause for infants. The increases in poisoning, largely due to prescription pain medication, have been most dramatic over the past decade, signaling a need to rethink how pain medications are prescribed and used.
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