An aerospace and physics researcher has a plan to deflect a killer asteroid by using paint. The idea may sound crazy, but he’s working with NASA on the project.

Dave Hyland thinks that one possible way to avert an asteroid collision with Earth is by using a process called “tribocharging powder dispensing” to spread a thin layer of paint on an approaching asteroid, such as the one named DA14 that came within 17,000 miles on February 15.
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If there was water on the moon, we could colonize it (and take an elevator there). Well, there just may be: Traces of water have been detected within the crystalline structure of mineral samples from the lunar highland upper crust obtained during the Apollo missions.

The lunar highlands are thought to represent the original crust, crystallized from a magma ocean on a mostly molten early moon. Over the last five years, spacecraft observations and new lab measurements of Apollo lunar samples have overturned the long-held belief that the moon is bone-dry. The new findings indicate that the early moon was wet and that water there was not substantially lost during the moon’s formation.
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But sometimes things smell good too. But our ability to smell deteriorates over the years, sometimes as early as age 30. By age 60, about half of us will experience a reduction in our ability to smell, and by age 80, about three-fourths of us will.

A bad cold can knock out your ability to smell–maybe even forever. From 3 to 4 million Americans have been diagnosed with anosmia, the complete inability to smell, and hyposmia, a reduced smelling capacity.
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