Is the human race getting dumber? geneticist Gerald Crabtree thinks that human intelligence peaked several thousand years ago and from then on, has been on a slow decline.

His argument is based on the fact that for more than 99% of human evolutionary history, we lived as hunter-gatherer communities surviving on our wits, which led to the big brains we have today. Since the invention of agriculture and cities, however, natural selection on our intellect has stopped and mutations have accumulated in our critical "intelligence" genes. A comparison of the genomes of parents and children reveals that there are between 25 and 65 new mutations in the DNA of each new generation.
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The Bermuda Triangle (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) is an area in the Atlantic Ocean between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where many ships are said to have "disappeared." Another Bermuda-like Triangle is the Devil’s Sea, in the Pacific near Japanese islands (which are now being claimed by China). Japanese myths tell of dragon serpents that attacked and carried off entire fishing vessels.

Now a third Triangle has surfaced, located near the islands of Los Roques, off the coast of Venezuela, again in the Pacific–only this one takes down PLANES flying over it.
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Working with plastic parts containing BPA–in auto industries, for instance–may make women more vulnerable to breast cancer. Women in Toronto’s plastic automotive parts factories have complained about pungent fumes and dust that caused nosebleeds, headaches, nausea and dizziness.

In the November 19th edition of the Toronto Star, Jim Morris, Jennifer Quinn, Robert Cribb and Julian Sher quotes auto plant worker Gina DeSantis as saying, "People were getting sick, but you never really thought about the plastic itself." She has worked there for 30 years.
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