In the midst of frantic Christmas shopping, here’s something you should know: A new study shows that men and women use different techniques to find their cars in crowded parking lots. Women rely more on visible landmarks (and often take huge detours while searching), while men are better at estimating distances and are thus more likely to take a direct route to the vehicle.
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"God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, the fire next time." The lyrics to this old gospel tune remind us that in Genesis, God promised not to flood the earth again (although it looks like many of us many soon be drowning), and there’s a good chance that in 50 or 100 or 200 years, coastal cities like New York City will sink beneath the sea.
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In the search for rogue nukes, researchers have discovered an unlikely tool: radio telescopes used by astronomers.

Working with astronomers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), researcher have analyzed historical data from the Very Large Array (VLA), a constellation of 27 radio telescopes near Socorro, New Mexico–and discovered that the VLA recorded a very similar pattern of disturbances during the last two American underground nuclear tests, which took place in Nevada in 1992.
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Having trouble getting into the spirit of Christmas? We have the solution for you: Whitley Strieber’s wonderful little book Christmas Spirits. In his Journal, he writes: "When I wrote The Christmas Spirits, I was not really speculating, but rather trying to portray a level of being that I believe is entirely real, and to describe its interaction with us as I have lived more