Deception: Animals Do It, Robots Can Too
From the Trojan Horse to D-Day, deception has always played a role during wartime. In fact, there is an entire Army field manual on its use and value in the battlefield.
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From the Trojan Horse to D-Day, deception has always played a role during wartime. In fact, there is an entire Army field manual on its use and value in the battlefield.
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In the Bible, Jeremiah 31:15 and Matthew 2:18 both tell the same story: "A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted for her children, Because they are no more."
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How will the world end? It may not end on December 21st, but it WILL end someday. After Noah’s ark finally reached land, God promised Noah that he would not flood the earth again, that it would be "the fire next time," and despite the rising ocean levels due to glacier melt, Whitley Strieber thinks this may be true. Read all about it in his new e-book!read more
Does it sometimes seem like department stores go out of their way to make the shopping experience unpleasant, when you’d think, especially around Christmas, that they’d do just the opposite? There’s a reason for this: It turns out that the less comfortable you are during the seasonal shopping spree, the more money you’ll spend.
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