Global warming affects different water ways differently. Glacier melt has opened up the Northwest Passage again, but the mighty Mississippi’s water level is reaching a historic low due to the Midwestern drought, and America’s busiest waterway could become impassable to barge traffic between Cairo, Illinois and St. Louis within two weeks.

The country’s biggest inland waterway is already too shallow for barge traffic shipping coal and steel. The Mississippi is now about two feet below its normal level for this time of year, and is expected to soon reach an all-time low of just over 6 feet soon.
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While you’re watching TV, your TV could be watching YOU, but only if you buy a special kind of DVR that not only notes what shows you watch (the way a Tivo does), but actually SPIES on you (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show) and records what you are eating and talking about, so it can insert advertisements tailored just for you into the shows you’re watching (who would buy such a thing?)
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It sounded like a joke at first, but was it? After an interview, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that aliens are here. He has previously spoken about top secret files on aliens that may have landed in Russia.

The Huffington Post reports that "in footage recorded Friday after a television interview, the former president joked that each Russian leader gets two folders with information about extraterrestrials that have visited our planet, and stayed here."

Unseen on camera footage, he is heard telling a TV journalist that he could not tell "how many of them are among us, because it may cause panic."
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Too many antibiotics are used on the farm, meaning that people who live near livestock or in livestock farming communities may be at greater risk of acquiring an antibiotic-resistant superbug. You don’t need to actually VISIT these farms or ranches: It turns out that you can BREATHE IN these dangerous germs.

Public health researcher Ellen Silbergeld says, “In the past, MRSA has been largely associated with hospitals and other health care facilities, but in the last decade the majority of infections have been acquired in the community outside of a health care setting.”
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