If you didn’t do well in math, it may be because crunching numbers literally hurts your brain.

When neuroscientists look at a human brain under an fMRI machine, while they give them a math problem to do, the pain centers in some people’s brains light up. In one such test, the parts of the brain that perceive pain and bodily threats reacted as if the subject’s hand had been burned on a hot stove.

On the National Geographic website, Jeremy Berlin quotes researcher Ian Lyons as saying, "The anxiety occurred only during anticipation. When they actually did the math problems, they didn’t seem to experience pain. That suggests it’s not the math itself that hurts; it’s the thought of it that’s painful.
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Meat lovers living in the central and southern regions of the country might be opting for a vegetarian lifestyle if meat comes with an unwanted side of a life-threatening allergic reaction. The Texas tick inhabiting these regions is the primary reason for a dangerous allergic reaction to a substance called "alpha gal" in meat.

"Alpha-gal" is a sugar carbohydrate found in red meats such as beef, pork and lamb. Positive alpha-gal rates are 32% higher in lone star tick population areas as compared to other regions. The central and southern regions of the United States have the highest rates of alpha-gal sensitization.
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