Do you have bad breath? It may not be because you ate too much garlic, it may be because you’re SICK. It’s one of the main indicators of gum disease, but bad breath has a more serious side too.

If your breath smells like nitric oxide, you could have asthma. If it smells like carbon, you could have stomach ulcers. Doctors can recognize telltale patterns in the way your breath smells that will make them investigate whether or not you have lung cancer.

Acetone breath indicate diabetes from ketosis (which means you’re not absorbing enough glucose). Ammonia breath could indicate kidney disease. People with liver disease have breath with high levels of carbon dioxide.
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We know that animals talk to EACH OTHER, but lately, they’ve started talking to US (and they’re speaking our language as well!)

Elephants can communicate with each other, using sounds too high-pitched for us to hear, and if they want to "talk" to us, they can communicate telepathically. Now an Asian elephant named Koshik communicate to people more directly, by imitating human speech by vocalizing with his trunk.

But before we rush over there, we should know that he only speaks Korean, and that his vocabulary consists of five words.
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